How To Manage Fibromyalgia Pain Without Prescription Medications

Fibromyalgia is a disease that causes people to have overactive nerves. The overactive nerves cause chronic muscle pain. Small amounts of activity can give people injury-like pain. There is no cure for fibromyalgia and it can be extremely difficult to manage. Doctors are hesitant to give opiates to fibromyalgia patients, making the patients struggling to manage their pain. If you are dealing with fibromyalgia pain, here are some tips for coping.  


Diet is an important part of managing chronic pain. There are several types of food that can enhance the pain. Here are some foods that you should avoid if you are having trouble managing your pain. 


There aren't many studies that link diet and fibromyalgia, so many patients don't understand how much gluten can affect their pain. Many studies have been done on people who have non celiac gluten sensitivity. While it's still unclear exactly how gluten links to fibromyalgia, most of the people in the studies were discovered to be previously diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Some people will try to limit gluten if they have fibromyalgia, but living completely gluten free will be very beneficial. 

Processed food

Processed foods are filled with flavor enhancers and preservatives. The most common additives, MSG, high fructose corn syrup, and sodium nitrate, can cause fibromyalgia to flare up. MSG overstimulates the nervous system and fibromyalgia patients are already battling with overstimulation. The additives also cause stress, digestive issues, headaches, vision problems, and other issues that will throw your system out of whack and increase your pain and swelling.


Having fibromyalgia often leaves people feeling fatigued in the middle of the day. This causes many sufferers to turn to sugary foods and drinks for energy. Simple carbohydrates like sugar can cause rapid weight gain. Studies who that heavier fibromyalgia patients have more severe symptoms than physically fit ones.  

Home Therapies

Heat & ice

Heat and ice are great ways to temporarily relieve fibromyalgia pain. Muscle tension and swelling are the most common sources of pain. The heat will relax the muscles while ice reduces swelling. If you use too much heat, the swelling will increase, while too much ice can cause increased muscle tension. It's best to alternate heat and ice for effective treatment.


Another great way to relieve the tense, achy muscles is with some stretches. It's important to stretch correctly. Many people will stretch until there is pain and then hold the position until it doesn't hurt anymore. When you have fibromyalgia, that will give you more muscle pain afterward. If you feel pain, ease off until it doesn't hurt and then hold the stretch. 

Light exercise

It's very difficult to exercise while you are constantly in pain. However, not exercising will lead to joint and muscle deterioration and stiffness, ultimately causing more pain. It's unfortunately a vicious cycle for chronic pain patients. You have to find light exercises that you can do so you can build muscle and use your joints. It may cause more flare ups at the beginning, but as your muscles become stronger, the pain will get better.

Herbal Remedies

Adding herbal remedies to home therapies and a diet change can reduce your fibromyalgia symptoms even further. 


Tumeric is a natural herb found in curry powder. Tumeric is a great alternative to anti-inflammatory medications. It successfully relieves inflammation without the harsh side effects that often come with prescription medication.  


Corydalis is a Chinese poppy, and a staple in Chinese medicine. The root of the plant contains dehydrocorybulbine (DHCB). It binds to pain receptors and blocks acute, chronic, and inflammatory pain to the brain. 

St. John's Wort

St. John's Wort has been a popular natural antidepressant for a long time. It's all shown to be useful for fibromyalgia patients. It can reduce pain while reducing the anxiety and depression symptoms often shown in chronic pain patients.  

While you have to live with fibromyalgia for the rest of your life, you don't have to live with the debilitating pain every single day. Changing your diet, and using home therapies and herbal remedies will greatly improve your quality of life. Continue here read more.
