Three Tips For Keeping Your Musculoskeletal System Healthy

Having healthy bones, joints, and soft tissues may not be your primary concern, but maintaining a strong and healthy musculoskeletal system can have profound effects on your quality of life and daily function as you grow older. Simple lifestyle changes can reduce the likelihood of joint problems and physical limitations.

Create A Strong Foundation

A strong foundation for your musculoskeletal system includes nutrients that help keep bones and connective tissues strong while having the necessary proteins that contribute to muscle development. Make sure your diet includes calcium, vitamin D, and other micronutrients that help support and increase bone density.

Protein intake is important for retaining muscle, even if you are not actively exercising with the goal of increasing muscle mass. Lean proteins, such as chicken and turkey, are a good way to keep your protein intake up without the added fat. If you live a meat-free lifestyle, there are plenty of vegetable and grain sources for protein. Quinoa is a grain that is considered a complete protein because it has all the essential amino acids.

Include Regular Exercise

Regular exercise can minimize or reverse weight gain, which can be taxing on your joints. Another benefit to including regular exercise is that it helps you retain lean body mass, including bone density.

Many people believe you need to engage in vigorous activity to improve your overall health. Although vigorous exercise is helpful for losing weight and building strength, it is not always necessary to improve functional fitness. Doing moderate exercise five days per week can be enough. Eventually, you should include some resistance training. Squats, lunges, and resistance band exercises can help you strengthen the soft tissues supporting your joints and improve bone density.

Focus On Balance

The sooner you focus on balance, the better. As you age, changes in balance can make you more prone to falls and other accidents. If possible, purchase a stability ball and incorporate it into your daily exercise. Start by simply trying to sit on the ball without falling off. Balancing yourself on a stability ball also requires you to engage your core muscles. These muscles are also responsible for helping with posture and improved posture can reduce back pain.

Some people choose to sit on a stability ball while working at the computer or watching television. As you improve your balance, you can add in exercises, such as doing upper body exercises while trying to balance on the ball.

When considering overall health, it is easy to neglect your musculoskeletal system. Your muscles, bones, joints, and soft tissues are important for a solid foundation and maintaining functional fitness.
