3 Failures You Could Make With Your Heart's Health

Even if you have never had a heart problem, it is important that you care for it. Unfortunately, many people do not think about their heart's health until after they have experienced a cardiac problem. Part of taking care of your heart is avoiding missteps along the way. To help you get started, here are a few heart care mistakes you should avoid.  

Failing to Take Heed of Risk Factors 

Risk factors, such as high blood pressure, do not necessarily guarantee that you will develop a heart problem, but they can help you assess the likelihood that you will. By knowing what the risk factors are, you can take action to lessen your risk by taking control of those that are controllable.  

For instance, taking blood pressure pills, exercising, and eating a healthy diet can help to lower your blood pressure and keep your risk of developing a heart problem down. If you have diabetes, controlling your blood sugar levels and making healthy lifestyle choices can help. 

Failing to Follow Doctor's Orders 

After assessing your health, your doctor will make a number of recommendations to help decrease your chances of developing a heart problem. If you have heart disease or at risk for it, you need to make sure you are following the doctor's orders.  

For instance, if the doctor has prescribed medication to control a heart condition, such as angina, you need to take it as directed. If you have side effects, you should discuss them with your doctor and not discontinue the use until advised to do so. If you have other problems that impact your ability to follow the orders, such as financial problems, discuss them with your doctor. He or she can help you find means of receiving the care needed.  

Failing to Create an Exercise Regimen 

Even if you are not overweight, exercise is an important tool for keeping heart problems at bay. Exercise helps to improve blood circulation, which is essential for a healthy heart. To create a regimen, start by talking to your doctor about how much exercise you actually need.  

Once you have a plan in place, you need to stick to it. It can be challenging to fit exercise into a busy schedule, but it is important that you do. Look for small moments throughout the day to fit your exercise in. For instance, waking up 30 minutes earlier each day could free up time to exercise.  

Talk to your doctor about other ways you can improve your heart's health or talk with professionals at places like Barnes-Jewish St. Peters Hospital.
