Common Problems That You Can Have Treated Through Occupational Therapy

When you're dealing with a physical health issue, knowing the practitioner to whom you should turn is key. Without this knowledge, you may simply feel overwhelmed and not attempt to seek help. However, when you have an idea of which practitioners can address which physical health issues, you'll be more encouraged to make an appointment and begin receiving the appropriate care. An occupational therapist is a valuable resource for a wide range of health complaints. While you should always describe your health issue and ask questions about the practitioner's success in treating similar issues at the time that you make your appointment, here are some common problems that occupational therapy can often resolve.

Nighttime Discomfort

Many people suffer from restless sleep because of an inability to be comfortable once they get into bed. For example, you may have pain in your lower back, limbs that fall asleep and feel unpleasant, or neck discomfort that inhibits your ability to fall asleep and stay sleeping throughout the night. Your local occupational therapist is the right healthcare professional to assist these issues. The therapist will have you lie on a table so that he or she can assess your sleeping posture, and then use physical manipulation and a host of other techniques to work on physical issues. For example, if you have tight muscles that are making you uncomfortable, your therapist will work to loosen the muscles.

Old Injuries

Many people sustain injuries, receive some degree of treatment, but then notice that their pain is still bothering them years later. It's never too late to seek help for an old injury, whether you dislocated an ankle while you were jogging, twisted your lower back due to a fall on the ice, or sustained a whiplash injury while you were playing sports as a young adult. Your occupational therapist will likely send you for X-rays to help understand any structural damage that you're facing, and then use a variety of approaches to reduce your discomfort. 

Post-Surgery Care

After surgery, you want to do all that you can to ensure you get back to normal as quickly as possible. While your doctor may have you attend a few therapy sessions at the hospital, it's worthwhile to seek out your own occupational therapist to continue these sessions afterward. The therapist will teach you how to stretch and strengthen the affected area to improve your range of motion and strength, for example, which can help you to recover quickly.
