Carpal Spasms: What Are They And Why Do Your Hands Have Them?

If you experience chronic muscle spasms or cramps in your hands and fingers and you don't work in a profession that requires you to use your hands a lot, ask a hand doctor about carpal spasms. Carpal spasms, or carpopedal spasms, typically develop in people who use their hands for a living, such as typists, factory workers, and hair dressers. But the condition can also occur in people who don't drink enough water each day or who receive insufficient magnesium and calcium in their diets. Here are facts about carpal spasms and how you can overcome them now.

What Are Carpal Spasms?

You might think that the spasms in your hands are caused by a common condition known as carpal tunnel syndrome, but they may not be. Carpal tunnel syndrome develops from nerve compression in your wrists, while carpal spasms affect the muscles of your hands and fingers. Some individuals even experience spasms in their feet and toes. The spasms, or twitches, develop when the muscles contract on their own and may include short bouts of severe pain. To find relief for your hand and finger spasms, you must figure out how you developed them in the first place. 

In many cases, dehydration plays a key role in the development of carpal spasms. Your muscle tissues rely on the proper amount of hydration, or water, to function. Water removes electrolytes and other chemicals from your muscle tissues throughout the day. Without enough water in your diet, your muscles build up with these chemicals and cramp. Additionally, some individuals develop hand and finger twitching when they have problems with their kidneys, which can occur from dehydration.  

You might experience twitches if you don't consume enough vitamin D. Vitamin D regulates the calcium and other musculoskeletal nutrients in your body, as well as helps the nerves in your muscles function correctly. If you don't have enough vitamin D in your body, you most likely lack sufficient magnesium as well. 

Magnesium regulates bone- and muscle-building nutrients, such as calcium and vitamin D. The vitamin also relaxes your muscle tissues when they become stressed or aggravated, such as when you lift weights too long or too hard. A lack of magnesium allows other nutrients to build up in your blood and muscles. 

Now that you understand a few things about carpal spasms, you can take steps to alleviate them.

How Do You Treat the Muscle Spasms in Your Hands?

It's essential that you drink plenty of fluids each day, preferably clear water and unsweetened tea. Adult males should consume 3 liters and women should strive for 2.2 liters. Your intake may be more if you exercise regularly, work outdoors in direct sunlight, or suffer from a medical condition that affects your health. If in doubt about how much water to drink each day, consult with your doctor. 

In addition to drinking plenty of fluids, try to consume foods that contain magnesium and vitamin D. Low-fat milk, yogurt, and leafy, green vegetables are good sources to try. You may want to plan out your meals to help you obtain what you need each day.

Finally, see a hand surgery or orthopedic specialist about your hand and finger cramps. A specialist can ensure that your carpal spasms are not due to a condition that damages the muscles of the hands, including tumors, bone fractures, and infections. If you don't have a serious problem to treat, an orthopedist may prescribe medications to control your spasms or physical therapy. 

If your muscles become damaged, lose sensation or develop nerve problems over time, a hand doctor may suggest surgery. An orthopedic doctor will discuss your treatment options in greater detail before making a final decision.

If you would like to learn more about carpal spasms or need treatment, consult with a hand specialist at a location such as Town Center Orthopaedic Associates, P.C. today.
