Tips For Living With Interstitial Cystitis Bladder Pain Flare-Ups
If you are one of the many men or women who is living with the bladder pain caused by interstitial cystitis, then you will be happy to learn that there are many things you can do to help yourself feel better when a flare-up occurs. While you may not be able to control the frequency of your flare-ups, there are things you can do to help reduce their effect on your life. To this end, here are some tips to help you during painful interstitial cystitis flare-ups:
Tip: Drink a Lot of Extra Water
Though you already know that drinking a lot of water dilutes your urine, you may not realize that this dilution can lessen your interstitial cystitis pain. As soon as you feel a flare-up coming on, you should immediately start drinking as much extra water as possible. The more water you drink, then the lower your pain should be. If you are not on a salt-restricted diet, you can add a teaspoon of baking soda into your drinking water. The baking soda is a chemical base and will help to neutralize any acid in your urine.
Tip: Take a Warm Bath with Epsom Salt Added into the Water
Not only is Epsom salt good for muscle pains from hiking or overdoing it in the yard, it is also wonderful for helping to relax your pelvic muscles and reduce your interstitial cystitis pain. To take advantage of the natural healing powers of the Epsom salt, place about a cup of it into your bathtub and then fill the tub with warm water. Soak your back and abdomen in the water for at least half of an hour to get the maximum relaxation result. If you are diabetic, then you should speak with your physician before taking long hot baths as they can cause diabetic complications.
Tip: Keep Notes and Try to Identify Triggers that Lead to Flare-Ups
Finally, one of the best things you can do to help prevent future interstitial cystitis flare-ups is to keep a diary about past problems. When you feel the familiar pain coming on, take a moment to jot down all of the things you have been eating or drinking as well as any medications you have recently taken. Make sure that you include any over-the-counter drugs as well as vitamins and supplements. Over time, this journal may lead you to discover things that trigger your pain that you can proactively avoid consuming.